Sunday, April 25, 2010

Museum Visits

I live about ten minutes away from the city, so I decided that I would visit museums in my own area. I first went to the International Center of Photography where they had the "Twilight Visions: Surrealism, Photography, and Paris" exhibition. I really loved this because I am very interested in photography. What I enjoyed learning was that this photography played a dramatic new role in both avant-garde practice and mass culture of Paris and just the different ways that they captured scenes around Paris. They also had the Miroslav Tichy exhibition. He was an artist who made his own cameras out of random everyday products and took candid pictures of women at pools. I thought it was just incredible how he created such a powerful tool out of things that we might consider to be garbage and was able to capture such good quality photographs for the time period. The next museum I visited was "The Kitchen". I can honestly say that I have no idea what the exhibition was about. There were a bunch of television sets everywhere just playing white noise. I went in and walked right back out. I tried going to the MOMA to see the Tim Burton exhibition but unfortunately it was sold out for the day. I was very very sad. But other than that, my trip went very well and I look forward to visiting the International Center of Photography when they have a new exhibition.

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